Having an off day? If you only feel GREAT 1/3 of the time, this actually considered normal.

CEOs & Olympians will tell you the same thing:

They call it "The Rule of Thirds." It goes like this..

When you’re chasing your dream, or trying something hard, you’re supposed to feel an even distribution of emotions.

This means you’re meant to:

If your ratio is balancing out around in that range, consider it normal. Keep going! You got this!

If your ratio is skewed too good, or too bad, it could be a sign that things are off:

→ If it’s mostly “terrible,” you might be fatiguing or burnt out.

→ If it’s mostly “great,” you might be able to push yourself harder.


The Rule of Thirds | Alexi Pappas

Ryan Giordano 🌊 on LinkedIn: Having an off day? If you only feel GREAT 1/3 of the time, this actually...