Developed by Ryan Giordano | Learning & Development Leader, Career Resilience Coach

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Hey it’s Ryan. This is a super high-level version of my Career Storytelling framework. If you want to take yourself through this process, check out the Career Storytelling Toolkit. Just note that this was built for an online course, and I haven’t finished updating it for general use.

Craft A Career Story That People Connect With & Remember

Stop re-inventing your story every time you tell it. Start crafting a narrative that weaves together your values**, experience, reputation**, and vision for the future, into a memorable story.

Hi, I’m Ryan. I’ve spent 10 years building industry-leading professional development programs for high-growth startups. As a result I’ve trained, coached, and supported 500+ leaders, managers, and ICs in maximizing the impact of their careers.

There is a golden rule I’ve observed across my work:

People who love their work have a compelling story about why they do it.

Who benefits from a Career Story?

1. Map your values

Name, sort, and brand your own set of personal values. Craft a concise explanation of what you stand for that will be easy to recall and share with people. If you haven't done that, or it sounds overwhelming. Here's a simple way to think about how to do that:

→ Brainstorm your own, or use BrenĂ© Brown’s List of Values to name your primary values.